Earth Day 2016
Happy Earth Day!
Today is a day to celebrate everything. The clarity of a bright sky, the smell of spring, and the comfort of a warm sunny day. Earth Day has always meant a lot to me, reminding me to celebrate energy conservation, elimination of landfill waste, and leaving a smaller carbon footprint today than I left yesterday.
As of this year, I'm proud to have started my first compost pile, collecting kitchen scraps with hopes to turn it into fresh new soil as of this year. My garden is slowly coming together as I have began to plant herbs and small veggies around the house. I consider it my baby steps toward my lifelong dream of working toward a fully sustainable garden (or farm) to grow food for the community.
With that said, I couldn't imagine being environmentally conscious at home without bringing my efforts full circle with Dana Frames. Labs that we use are only environmentally friendly, we dispose of our ink cartridges & batteries properly, and I try to work during the daylight hours to save on burning electricity.
I hope that you take a few minutes today to reflect on what you are doing for planet Earth. Efforts can be as small as replacing your light bulbs, recycling your old electronics, or showering in less time. The universe will 'thank you' when you 'appreciate'!